張懸第三張專輯“城 市“已經發行六個月,銷售成績不只在台灣開出紅盤,在內地也是受到各界矚目,讓張懸海內外宣傳期一口氣跑了半年之久!張懸日前更專程受邀到北京出席2009潮流盛典頒獎典禮,一舉捧得“進取榜樣”和“年度融合風格港臺藝人”兩項大獎,讓她成為典禮當晚最受矚目的藝人。
張懸以一身寬鬆黑色襯衫在頒奬典禮紅地毯亮相,原來張懸為參加北京潮流盛典,特別選擇了台灣新銳設計師林果設計JOLIN WU的作品,以實際行動支援潮流文化的發展。平時打扮率性的張懸,每每出席頒奬典禮都讓人驚艷,強烈的個人風格如同她的創作,她也覺得真正的潮流就是要勇於展現自己的特色,張懸欣慰的說:「很高興能看到這種活動的蓬勃發展,說明大家越來越看重原創性,這對於自己也是一種肯定和鼓勵!」
張懸一舉一動受到內地媒體一致關注,這次在潮流盛典上不但受邀擔任頒獎嘉賓為溫嵐頒獎,還一舉拿下“進取榜樣”和“年度融合風格港臺藝人”兩項大獎,而張懸也帶著吉他手衫特在現場以一首輕鬆歡快的《 Beautiful Woman》將全場氣氛帶到高潮,雖然北京的天氣已經降到零下七度,表演中的張懸還是熱情的揮手與觀眾打招呼,在寒冷冬夜讓人倍感溫暖,不少內地媒體都大讚張懸是當晚典禮上最受矚目的藝人!
Daddy by: Sylvia Plath |
You do not do, you do not do Any more, black shoe In which I have lived like a foot For thirty years, poor and white, Barely daring to breathe or Achoo. Daddy, I have had to kill you. You died before I had time-- Marble-heavy, a bag full of God, Ghastly statue with one gray toe Big as a Frisco seal And a head in the freakish Atlantic Where it pours bean green over blue In the waters off beautiful Nauset. I used to pray to recover you. Ach, du. In the German tongue, in the Polish town Scraped flat by the roller Of wars, wars, wars. But the name of the town is common. My Polack friend Says there are a dozen or two. So I never could tell where you Put your foot, your root, I never could talk to you. The tongue stuck in my jaw. It stuck in a barb wire snare. Ich, ich, ich, ich, I could hardly speak. I thought every German was you. And the language obscene An engine, an engine Chuffing me off like a Jew. A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen. I began to talk like a Jew. I think I may well be a Jew. The snows of the Tyrol, the clear beer of Vienna Are not very pure or true. With my gipsy ancestress and my weird luck And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack I may be a bit of a Jew. I have always been scared of you, With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo. And your neat mustache And your Aryan eye, bright blue. Panzer-man, panzer-man, O You-- Not God but a swastika So black no sky could squeak through. Every woman adores a Fascist, The boot in the face, the brute Brute heart of a brute like you. You stand at the blackboard, daddy, In the picture I have of you, A cleft in your chin instead of your foot But no less a devil for that, no not Any less the black man who Bit my pretty red heart in two. I was ten when they buried you. At twenty I tried to die And get back, back, back to you. I thought even the bones would do. But they pulled me out of the sack, And they stuck me together with glue. And then I knew what to do. I made a model of you, A man in black with a Meinkampf look And a love of the rack and the screw. And I said I do, I do. So daddy, I'm finally through. The black telephone's off at the root, The voices just can't worm through. If I've killed one man, I've killed two-- The vampire who said he was you And drank my blood for a year, Seven years, if you want to know. Daddy, you can lie back now. There's a stake in your fat black heart And the villagers never liked you. They are dancing and stamping on you. They always knew it was you. Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I'm through. |
水 、形 / 原始 、種子 / 自然、重生
一顆初始的種子 :一朵初生的花
枯萎之後,迎接而來 是一地的盛開
告別初戀,回頭盼望 在一次的燦爛